Fellow Ed Bloggers:

As a future English Educator, I find myself wanting to blog more and more. However, I also find myself reading too many blogs by others and not blogging enough myself. Nevertheless, here are some of my favorites!

  1. Eat. Write. Teach.
    This blog is just plain fun. The writer, Stephanie blogs about her adventures in the classroom, including anecdotes and advice, “all sprinkled with healthy doses of sarcasm and profanity.”
  2. Simply Novel
    Simply Novel offers tips, ideas, and freebies for Engish Educators.
  3. Teach 4 the Heart
    This blog was created “to share ideas and inspire each other when the going gets tough.” The topics vary and range from things like academics and how to manage a classroom to how to bring God and the Bible into the classroom. It’s a really nice mix of serous business and fun.
  4. Teachers Can Smile Too
    This blog was started to help out the “baby teachers” and to show them that they do have the tools to have a successful, fun, happy classroom. I really like that this blog shows me that I can do a good thing because everyone has struggled with the same doubts as I have.
  5. Love, Teach
    This blog was a finalist in the Best Education Weblog of 2015 contest. Although it didn’t win, it’s still awesome!
  6. Teaching Sam and Scout
    This blog is all about balance. The writer is a mom and although I do not yet have children, I someday hope to and she addresses one of my biggest fears: HOW TO BALANCE IT ALL!!!! This blog is full of fun stories, tips, and enough sarcasm to keep me coming back.
  7. EduFlections
    This blog was created to “tell my stories as a teacher and retell other teachers’ stories.” The writer has been in education for over ten years and has done everything from teacher assisting to training teachers.
  8. That Tattooed Teacher
    This blog is just funny. It is entirely entertaining and gives a comedic light to the struggles of teaching.
  9. Every English Resource
    This blogger posts many freebie worksheets and activities and also gives lots of good ideas of things to give students to work on.
  10. Granola Girl Teacher
    This blog is just very real, and one of my absolute favorites. I love the quote she uses: “I am an optimist in recovery. Blogs will include thoughts on divorce, anxiety, self-image, and healthy living on the pathway back to thinking the world is an okay place.”